
Drosophila Learning and Memory Analysis Service

Drosophila-based learning and memory research offer a powerful platform to elucidate the complexities of neural circuits, paving the way for advancements in neuroscience and potential therapeutic interventions for memory-related disorders. At CD BioSciences, we are dedicated to advancing scientific research through our specialized services in the field of Drosophila research. Our Drosophila learning and memory analysis service is tailored to support researchers, scientists, and institutions in unraveling the intricacies of learning and memory in these fascinating model organisms.

Introduction to Drosophila Learning and Memory

Drosophila melanogaster serves as a valuable model organism for studying learning and memory processes. Their simple nervous system, well-defined genetics, and short lifespan make them ideal for research in this field.

In the laboratory, researchers use various behavioral assays to assess Drosophila learning and memory. Classical conditioning paradigms, such as olfactory and visual conditioning, are commonly employed to study associative learning. These experiments involve exposing flies to specific stimuli and measuring their response.

Schematic overview of selected genes and pathways implicated in learning and memory processing in Drosophila melanogaster.

Fig.1 Schematic overview of selected genes and pathways implicated in learning and memory processing in Drosophila melanogaster. (Mariano V., et al. 2020)

Memory analysis involves examining short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM) formation and retention. STM is transient, lasting minutes to hours, while LTM can persist for days to weeks. Genetic tools like transgenic flies and optogenetics enable researchers to manipulate specific neural circuits and molecules to understand memory mechanisms.

The insights gained from Drosophila studies contribute to our understanding of fundamental learning and memory principles, which may have implications for human cognitive disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.

Our Services

Our Drosophila learning and memory analysis service is tailored to researchers and institutions seeking to investigate the intricacies of memory in Drosophila. We offer targeted genetic manipulation services to modulate specific genes or neuronal circuits related to learning and memory. In addition, we can also develop customized analysis services for different drug treatments or genotypes. Our team of experienced researchers and scientists employs excellent techniques and equipment to conduct comprehensive analyses, ensuring accurate and insightful results. CD BioSciences specific services include, but are not limited to:

Behavioral Assessments

We develop customized behavioral assessment protocols to assess learning and memory performance in Drosophila.

  • Navigating the complexities of spatial memory and decision-making using our Y-Maze Assays.
  • Investigating olfactory memory and associative learning through our Olfactory Conditioning assays, to Understand how Drosophila forms connections between odors and specific outcomes, shedding light on neural pathways and memory formation.
  • Delving into social behavior and mate recognition with our courtship-based assays, to uncover insights into the interplay between neural circuitry, memory, and evolutionary behavior.
Neural Imaging

We utilize excellent neural imaging techniques to delve deeper into the neural basis of learning and memory.

  • Unraveling the complexity of neural networks with our advanced techniques for the Neural Circuitry Analysis.
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of synaptic plasticity and its role in memory formation through our of synaptic connection analysis services.

Want to Learn More?

At CD BioSciences, we are committed to delivering exceptional service quality and scientific excellence in Drosophila research. Our Drosophila learning and memory analysis service combines our in-depth knowledge of Drosophila genetics and behavior with advanced research techniques. By choosing us as your research partner, you benefit from our expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and commitment to excellence. Contact us to learn more about our service and discuss how we can assist you in your Drosophila research endeavors.


  • Mariano V, Achsel T, Bagni C, et al. Modelling learning and memory in drosophila to understand intellectual disabilities. Neuroscience, 2020, 445: 12-30.
  • Lesar A, Tahir J, Wolk J, et al. Switch-like and persistent memory formation in individual Drosophila larvae. Elife, 2021, 10: e70317.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.

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